Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Nana, The Kid Sister

On Sunday, May 6th, Nana's older brother John died.  He was 91. He was a good man who lived a long and good life.  Thanks to my sister Sharon, Nana was able to visit with him while he was still able to talk and reminisce about his life.  By the time I arrived last Wednesday, he was not able to respond, but I believe he heard everything around him.  When Nana visited him that day, she talked to him and said, "John, it's your kid sister Deanie."  It made me think how no matter what their ages, she will always be the kid sister and he the big brother,even at 88 and 91.

Nana has lots of pictures of Uncle John when he was in the Army during World War II.  He and my dad were both stationed overseas during the war, Uncle John in the Middle East and Daddy in Italy. In those days there was no E-mail or Skype or Facebook.  The only communications were postcards, letters and pictures and those are priceless treasures to remind us of the sacrifices those servicemen and their families made for us.

At tomorrow's service Nana will say goodby to Uncle John.  Although it will be sad, I know she realizes how fortunate she was to have enjoyed being a kid sister to her big brother for 88 years.

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