Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bill's Birthday

Over the past few years, Nana has written stories for us about her past.  Today is Bill's birthday and I thought it would be fitting to post Nana's story about Bill:

1951 – 1957 and Billy

It was 1951 living at the Bower place.  There was no running water.  I worked hard to carry water each day to scrub clothes on a washboard.  On November 5th, 1951 once again I was at Lewisburg Hospital and at 12:34pm, I had a special little baby boy.  I named him William Stanley.  I did not want a junior so I just switched his dad’s name.  His first few years were with his brother and two sisters at the Bower place where they had a yard to play in.  One memory is the day Billy was in the shed a long time and I was concerned until he came out with his little tractor painted pink.  It was a good paint job.
We finally moved out of that back-road place to the Staggert place in 1957.  At that time all the children were all in school and to make ends meet, I went to work at Montgomery Mills.  There I spent 18 years ball spinning.

Written by Deanie Rhone
April 12, 2011

 Bill at the Bower Place 1952

 Bill September 2013

1 comment:

  1. Good story & good pictures!
    I always learn new things when I read your blog entries :-] thank you for sharing another nana news story.
